
The Sweyne Park School


Our Library

Our library has over 13,000 resources. Equipped with over 30 computers, several newspapers, magazines and of course thousands of books. It is host to author events, competitions, promotions, discussion groups as well as friendly and helpful advice.

It is also where you will likely find, Mrs. Waghorn our Librarian.

The purpose of our library is to not only create a lifelong passion for reading but also to help our pupils become independent learners able to find, interpret and transform information themselves, a skillset they will use throughout their lives.

Reading Groups

Years 7 & 8 – Tuesday during Tutor time
Years 9+ – Thursday during Tutor time

Library Opening Times

Our Library is open at the following times:
Day of the Week Opening Time
Monday Break (11:00 – 11:30)
Tuesday 07:45 – 16:00
Wednesday 07:45 – 16:00
Thursday 07:45 – 16:00
Friday 07:45 – 16:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Our Top Picks

Our Book Reviews

Books come in all shapes and sizes and not all books are good or new for that matter. So if you aren’t sure about what to read next, why not take a look at our top picks which we have carefully chosen with you in mind. We’ve selected our top picks for the week, term and year.

Quick Downloads

Download Year 7 Good Reads

Download KS4 Good Reads

Download Year 8 Good Reads

Download Year 9 Good Reads

Where in the Library?

Below is a plan of the library, with areas marked, such as Fiction and Non-Fiction. Sixth form books can be identified among the shelves by a circular yellow sticker on the spine in the main school library. You can access the Library catalogue by clicking on the righthand yellow SPS Library link, or via the yellow SPS Library link located in your SPS Net Centre.

SPS Library

Access the SPS Online Library here.