The Local Governing Body is the strategic decision making body of the school.
The school’s Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school and the Local Governing Body works closely with the Headteacher and the staff.
A Local Governor will get involved in:
Mrs L Walker, Chair of Governors
c/o The Sweyne Park School
Sir Walter Raleigh Drive
Essex, SS6 9BZ
“Trustees and Governors are well informed about the schools’ strengths and areas to improve. They provide appropriate and regular challenge and support to school leaders. Teachers and other members of staff feel valued and are proud to work at the school. Leaders consider and consult staff on any changes that might impact on their workload or wellbeing.“
Ofsted – February 2023
The Local Governing Body meetings are held once a term, usually in the second half of the term. Whole school issues are discussed and decisions and policies agreed as appropriate. All Governors are expected to attend these meetings.
We also have sub-committee which cover specific areas of school management. These meetings are held each half term. Each committee has a chairman, elected annually by the Governing Body. Members of the Governing Body may chose to join one or more committee.
The Committees are:
Governors attend training sessions to support their work and may also attend specific meetings to focus on particular areas for development.
Governors are encouraged to visit the school to monitor and review practices and to offer feedback.
Governors also have the opportunity of accompanying school trips and attending and supporting school events.
To find our more about being a School Governor, visit: